Perma Pastures Farm
Billy from Perma Pastures farm and Youtube Community. Link to youtube channel -> Perma Pastures Farm on Youtube.
Fence charger recommendations
Fence charger recommendations
I am looking for fence charger recommendations. The first charger I had was the biggest solar charger that tractor supply sold. The goats only respected it for about a day. About a year and a half ago I purchased a parmak super energizer 5. This charger worked well but was taken out by lightening.
I was looking for a 12 volt charger but I didn’t think they are going to put out enough joules. I looked up some chargers that were in a video Greg Judy did and am suffering from sticker shock. I didn’t want to spend $1000 to lose it to lightning again.
I have 6 acres that I am trying to fence. I am splitting it up into sections and am looking to further divide it so it will be a lot of wire. A 4 wire system with wires at 8, 16 , 24 and 40 inches has been working well.
Any recommendations for a charger that could be provided would be appreciated. If anyone has successfully built a charger I would be interested in that as well. I can’t imagine that there are $1000 worth of parts in those things.
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