Reply To: Are there any

  • BiggKidd

    December 7, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    We made the run to Richmond yesterday and met Lefty. Everything seemed okay so she came back with us. She had to sleep in the girls room last night, today we try and move her camper in place and start getting it setup. She started a Youtube channel about her new adventure I will get you guys a link if you want.

    It was cold as crap last night I’m glad she opted to stay upstairs for the night or she would have frozen, dropped to 24f overnight. I think her day yesterday wore her out as she’s still sleeping. I’ll be waking her up soon as it’s getting close to warm enough for me to work outside. Glad I was able to get a couple hours this morning.

    If enough of the parts have arrived for the water pump we also have to get that done.