Reply To: Thermoelectric power

  • BiggKidd

    February 16, 2023 at 11:37 pm

    Made a little more progress today. Got the exhaust cut through the case and welded it to the burner section. So no more taking the burner out for any reason. lol After that I got the other two secondary air intakes made and welded in place, just have to weld the bottom edge yet, couldn’t see well enough to weld that last 2 inches! once they are done then I have to make an adapter to seal all the inlets through the case openings and figure out just how to make the feed chute and air cutoffs. I want the air to cut itself off when the stove runs out of fuel so I’m thinking a simple flap door the wood will hold open until it’s gone then the flap will close dropping doors across the air intakes. At some point I have to remember to put the electric heating element and cross bar(s) in along with a water heating pipe. Getting closer to the end with every small step. I sure hope this thing works cause if not I’ve wasted a ton of time and resources!