Reply To: Thermoelectric power

  • BiggKidd

    February 3, 2023 at 4:10 pm

    Considering I haven’t even tested the others yet I just did a dumb thing and ordered 20 more of these.

    I “think” they should perform better than the generic Tec1-12706. Hope I’m not wrong, but I’ve always had exceptional service from Kyocera products.

    I decided to hold off on the high temp insulation for now after finding out it only has an insulation rating of R5. I’m more worried about the seller running out of those high end modules than I am about getting insulation inside the box. lol Then after I ordered I found out he has a few hundred more. Hopefully by next month I’ll have these up and running and know if I want to try and get more or not…

    I’m shooting for 300 watts peak power. If and I know that’s a big if this thing works like I want it to then it should give us the ability to live a lot more normal life power wise and take the constant worry of do we have enough power off my mind. It will be especially nice if it actually will power through the night being burned only once in the evenings.

    Looks like I might get to work on this project for an hour or so this afternoon if the wind slows down a little and the temperature holds decent.