Reply To: Thermoelectric power

  • BiggKidd

    December 21, 2022 at 11:57 pm

    Started actively working on this project today. First off I want to start with a good foundation. Which in this case is some inch thick iron or steel scrap I bought for unknown reasons one day when I saw it. It was one of those cases ten or so years ago when I said I’ll need that one day, guess that day was today. lol So I found it and cut it in three nearly equal pieces of roughly 3×21 each to make a nice thermal mass and help temper the ups and downs of the woodstove. We all know thermal mass is effective in slowly distributing heat and in this instance I am hoping it will also keep the stove from overheating the thermoelectric modules and help them maintain a more steady heat without those huge peaks and valleys woodstoves can have. I have a ton of cleaning to do on them and I’m thinking I’ll weld them together in to a single unit roughly 9×21 and maybe put handles on the ends to make handling it easier. Haven’t decided yet but I may weld another 1/4 plate on top to make it nice and flat & even across the surface. Does anyone KNOW if this will also keep the top surface from getting as hot as the top of the stove gets? I sure hope so! lol

    I did get them clean enough for a test run over the next few days to try and get an idea what kind of difference it makes. I won’t honestly be able to tell until I get the IR thermometer, but I should be able to tell if it tempers the heat some. They are on the stove now the little fan finally cut off, wonder how long it’ll take to come back on sitting on top of them?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by  BiggKidd.