Reply To: Natural herbs to help with memory function

  • NitiTheFARMacist

    Community Leader
    October 9, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    Pukalani-Farm – Hey Friends!

    I am so sorry I missed this message. I can tell you that to improve mental health and especially help with memory and overall brain performance the way to ensure and proliferate the most powerful brain cells is to REMOVE plants from the diet entirely. ONLY EAT fatty meat from 4 legged creatures and watch the brain health, mental clarity and electrical systems of the body come back on line with a hard and powerful reset. Make sure all the animals you eat are raised regeneratively on pastures grown in rich nutrient dense soils. You can not manage this on a long term with CAFO meats in grocery stores and in restaurants. The chemical sensitivities of CAFO meats will fail in this approach every single time.

    This is a QUANTUM Leap for most folks who have been plant based or even in full 50/50 BALANCE with plants and animals. The SUGARS are too high and the FATS and SALTS required to make the brain function optimally are causing these problems and leads to dementia, Alzheimer’s

    Getting the body out of SUGAR burning mode to FAT burning mode requires training and there is an adaptation period. This is the lifestyle coaching I help people with. There are a lot of hurdles folks have to tackle emotionally, physically, mentally. This lifestyle goes against the orthodoxy 100% – but we already know that orthodox approaches are 100% failures as evidenced by the general population of fragile and dementia ridden folks who are currently unable to have conversations about anything that requires critical thinking and logical adult conversations and exchanges.

    I hope this is helpful.