Reply To: Cuniculture Club

  • Hebrews12v2

    December 15, 2022 at 1:56 am

    ***December 14, 2022 Update #2***

    Continuation from Earlier post due to Picture limitations.

    First Picture below is a picture of my grow outs and how I have used the same roofing material as a “Poop Catcher” system. I remove all the poop and compost it, or apply directly to our gardens.

    Second Picture is the “Bunny Cam” I set up to monitor the rabbits. I actually watch a LOT on my desktop computer because it is so interesting to see what the rabbits do at various times. I have the camera set up so I can see both “sides” of the Cuniculture.

    Third Picture is of my youngest buck I kept from our Buck that died last summer. Note in the background that you can see where I have an opening to enter the area for feed, watering and compost removal.

    Fourth & fifth pictures are the East side of the Cuniculture, #4 is facing south, #5 is north facing. I have 7 grow outs in the first cage, and my Rex Buck is in the other cage temporarily as I try to figure out where I want to home him.

    Thanks for following this thread, Feel free to add your setup or ask questions on mine at our “In-Stead”