Reply To: Keeping it simple or going all out?

  • LettieLoo

    December 7, 2022 at 7:55 pm

    We are keeping it simple. This is the second year we are doing Christmas just us – no other family. MIL isn’t happy about it, but it is the only holiday we get as a family to just be us together. Our decorations aren’t extravagant; Little Man learned how to make a paper garland the other day! We are having the inlaws over this weekend for dinner to decorate cookies and then go see Santa and on a sleigh ride at the local historical museum.
    We do not have a lot of gifts for each other – one gift from Santa and one from Mom & Dad for each kid. My Man and I are doing an ornament exchange.
    I’m a firm believer in Christmas NOT being about all the presents – instead I focus on being present in the lives of those I care about. Making memories and spending time together are what is important to me, and last year Little Man got a lot out of it; he is asking if we are doing our game night again this Christmas Eve!