Reply To: Keeping it simple or going all out?

  • SimplerTimesHomestead

    December 7, 2022 at 7:53 pm

    We like to keep it simple and have strived to not make it all about the presents.

    Our children are all adults now. One of our children (with a family) just lost his job. Two others are new parents and our fourth is a college student with a part-time job, so money is tight for all. We are helping out and they are very grateful.

    We do put a tree up and decorate, but nothing elaborate. We have a paper chain with the links made out of wrapping paper from that years gifts with one link for each type of paper. It’s a project that we started 25 years ago and that smoke chain is one of our treasures. We have some other family traditions like reading, “The Night Before Christmas” on Christmas Eve and reading the story of Jesus’ birth out of The Bible before presents and before we eat.c