Reply To: Who we are

  • skainsgirl

    October 22, 2022 at 11:20 am

    Hi Nicole. I hail from northern Louisiana. When my Dad passed last year, I moved in with my 93-year-old Mom so she could spend the remainder of her days in her own home. It is my childhood home that my Dad built himself. Kinda like an Amish barn build (except not that fast), different family members would come help with different things. The house sits on top of a red dirt hill on 1 acre. Down the hill past my aunt’s old house is beautiful Lake D’Arbonne. Going to have to use multiple styles of gardening to extract the most efficient use of all the land. Pretty busy at the moment working on the old house, providing elder care, gardening via grow pots while I build raised beds and do terracing for permaculture farming, amending the soil in my Dad’s old traditional garden, and organizing Dad’s workshop a little at a time.

    Still working on which side hustle I can manage while doing all this. Hopefully this winter I will have a little more time to focus on that aspect. I love to recycle old things into new things so it will probably be along those lines.

    I have 2 little coffee plants growing in my kitchen 🙂