Reply To: Who we are

  • AutumnDawn

    October 18, 2022 at 3:20 pm

    Dawn here, recently relocated to Tennessee, on the border between east and west with my husband. We are living off-grid in an RV while we build our new home.

    We have raised chickens, Muscovy ducks, Tamworth pigs, and hair sheep in Ohio and are looking to transfer those skills once we terraform the land from forest to silvo-pasture. (Anyone with skills cutting tall trees safely, please feel free to share your knowledge.)

    We are currently learning things like solar, battery banks, charge controllers, and inverters. Rain catchment and composting bins are next to be built. We plan to start building an earthbag home in the spring, though we will likely start with something small like a root cellar to build our skillset.

    I don’t claim to know everything, but I learn what I need to know as I need to know it. 😇 Feel free to reach out any time to talk shop or build friendships.