Reply To: Dancing Rooster?

  • Jon_Z

    January 30, 2023 at 8:40 pm

    I’ve seen the dance from roosters in the past. I took it as him thinking I was competition. I’ve had gentle roosters that eventually became a..holes. And I’ve also had so aggressive roosters that straitened out my hen house. Had a bad pecking order issue with a hen that was tearing the other hens apart. I had a few roosters from a bunch that had grew out that were going to end up in the pot. I grabbed one that was easy to handle and put in with the hens. The problem hen smacked him and pecked the crap out of him until he cowered in the corner. I solved it but getting the meanest one of the bunch and put him in. The hen tried to go after him and then after a little fight she backed down and order was restored to the flock. When he got too rough I snapped his neck and replaced him with a nicer rooster. He may have tried to spur me in the face or that may have been another one. Either way the result was the same.

    The rooster I have now tried to spur me a couple time and he got rapidly pushed out the door by my boot. I would also hold him down to the roost at night when I would walk in for eggs. He has taken to walking out the door when I walk in the coop and has been a great guardian for the hens while not trying to attack me.

    Sorry for the story i just thought I’d add my story. So let him know you have control over him and don’t let him get away with trying to spur you from the very start. It will pay dividends