Reply To: Meat rabbits

  • JerseyGiantChick

    December 13, 2022 at 6:46 am


    Nana looks like a huge California does she not? She is so sweet, yesterday our son could really pet her and get a hold on her. No picking up yet, because she is not used to that and is to wild she could get hurt. Grabbing her by the sholder/neck works that she stays calm. But he is to small to pick her up that way, so have to practice she gets used to be picked up. For now I take a layer of, so he can pet her in the box.

    Your brooder set up is great, it will work for rabbits to.

    They are both great incubators, steady working machines.

    Our climate is 8b, but we are in a micro climate. Now it is below 7 c freezing. I watch Deep South Homestead, your climate is a lot warmer and humidity is a lot higher. We have a real winter, but hope to be mild but I think it is going to be extreme like Mr Danny is saying.

    If you ever come to Germany, please let me know.

    German food is tasty, but my tast is more Arabic and Indonesian style. I do not eat any pork (only kosher), almost impossible over here.

    In the Germany part of Freesteading, we are olso talking about German food same for France. Maybe you are already taking part?
