Reply To: Meat rabbits

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    December 10, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    I am so very happy for you!!! It is good that she is very friendly & likes to be petted! I know you will have her spoiled and she will be a BIG PET! I hope you got big hutches because they get much larger than your standard rabbits, which you already know. How old is Ms Rabbit?

    Are you still here in the USA or in Germany now? Be sure and send pic’s of your new rabbits when you get a chance! I’m anxious to see them since I’ve never seen a German Giant!

    Yes, I am a crazy chicken lady and love to watch them. I had an old hen that was a lone survivor of a predator attack that killed all my chickens in one of my coops/runs. I have 3 coops/runs. I kept her guarded in a safe area til I felt she was a bit over the shock of the attack. I took special care of her and spent a lot of time with her. Eventually I let her out during the day when I was working in my garden. She followed me around like a dog would. When I would stop to dig a hole to plant something & move on to dig another hole she would either dig up what I had planted or scratch the dirt back into the hole I had dug. She would look at me as if to say, Look Mama, I helped you cover the hole. I loved that hen. Then one day I went outside and went to let her out of her special cage and she couldn’t stand up. She tried hard but couldn’t get her legs under her to stand. I looked up what could be wrong & how to treat her but couldn’t find any thing definite since she didn’t have all symptoms of any one problem. I put Apple Cider Vinegar in her water, got some antibiotics. some yogurt I mixed with some feed. I would have to hand feed her and give her water & antibiotics with a syringe. After about a week she began eating & drinking on her own and then one day she was standing when I went out to check on her. She got better and eventually was able to walk but had a slight limp as one of her legs still didn’t work as it should but she never let it slow her down. About a yr later, I went out to let her out and found her passed away. I cried like a baby for a long time. I build a box and put a blanket it in and buried her deep so nothing could get to her since I live in the deep backwoods with lots of predators. Her name was Henny Penny. She probably passed from old age as she was 8+ yrs old. I will always remember her and when I dig a hole to plant something now, I look up and tell Henny Penny I still love her & miss her helping me in the garden. I get way to attached to my animals, especially those that really stole my heart.

    I forgot to tell you I also learned to incubate eggs. That was why I had lots of baby chicks that were barnyard mixes. I will do some more incubating this next spring when the hens start laying good again. There are so many people wanting chicks and are all the time asking me if I have any for sale. Could be a good way to make a little extra money to help pay for feed. I had a 98% hatch rate but I used a special method to raise the humidity in the incubator during critical times of the process. That is why you see the hygrometer/thermometer in with the incubator.

    I also love BIG animals. I have a huge female Great Pyrenees that has just turned a year old that weighs every bit of 1400-150 lbs. She stand to get kisses & puts her paw paws on my shoulders. I have to look up to her. She is also my Gentle Giant that protects my chickens & rabbits. She is housed in with the big chicken coop yard in her own house. I also have a HUGE HUGE German Shephard. He is 150+ lbs. He is more than likely a KING German Shephard. My brother in law that passed away last year got him for me as a birthday present to help PROTECT ME living so far out in a small rural community. I could tell you many stories of how strong he is. One of his favorite toys is a full size landscape timber. He used to love to sit in my lap when he was a puppy and still thinks he can sit in Mama’s lap even now. He has turned my patio chair over with me in it many times trying to get in my lap. When I would walk him on a leash this past summer he would drag me around sometimes like I was a rag doll. I had to stop walking him on a leash & just let him run. He doesn’t realize his strength. Here are pictures of them as well as my lil 12 yr old Yorkie and my Chihuahua Pomeranian Mix I adopted/rescued several yrs ago. They are inside fur babies.