Reply To: Meat rabbits

  • JerseyGiantChick

    December 8, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    Yes you ar right, there comes my name from. As a kid I always wanted Jersey, lived and worked in the states but finely got them in Germany go figure.

    And the poule de Bresse and Barbezieux from France, in exchange a couple of Jersey and other breed moved to France.

    But so many chickens as you have o my, you realy are a cracy chicken lady like me. Chicken live show is the best, cup of coffee and enjoy the show.

    What a great stories you can tell, so many chickens and rabbits. Thank you for all the great info, very helpful. I did not see rabbits as little monsters yet, they are not just for meat why not enjoy the breeders and give the young a good live even if it is short.

    Going to read it again tomorrow, for now it is bedtime 6 a clock rise and shine. But I wake up earlier, so wish you all a good night for now or later.