Reply To: Meat rabbits

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    December 8, 2022 at 9:01 am

    May I ask why you chose the German Giant rabbits? The reason I’m asking is I was raising Flemish Giants until I learned a little more about them. They have a HUGE appetite and are constantly eating. They went thru twice as much pellets (if not more) than my New Zealands & Californians. I was under the assumption that they would produce 2-3 times more meat than the NZ’s & Cali’s and could be dispatched at a much younger age due to their size. When doing research on the breed, after I purchased them, I found out that yes, they get massive in size BUT their size is mostly BONE and no more meat than the standard breed of meat rabbits. So when I did the math and calculated the amount of pellets/Timothy Hay they consumed vs the amount of meat I would have in the end did not warrant the cost to raise these Giants. The Giants are generally raised for pets and not for meat production.

    Here are pic’s of Flemish Giant Bucks. Pic #1-6 months old 12 lbs, Pic #2-6 months old 10 lbs, Pic #3 6 months old 10 lbs.