Reply To: Antibiotics

  • NamelessPatriot

    December 5, 2022 at 9:45 pm

    You are welcome!! Thank you for raising awareness of this. I first because aware of this early this past spring I believe from my ag connections.

    As someone in and around the Ag buisness I do not see this effecting the buisness farmer. So the contracted dairy and chicken ect I don’t see this effecting them much.

    What this will really effect are the homesteaders, hobby farms and such. As regulation and rules come down the line such as this, it is just another way to squeeze out the self sufficent people who use animals to further this self sufficiency. Death by a thousand cuts the saying says.

    For those that do use some meds like this for human back ups…it will also throw a wrench into that whole plan. Against goes back to the same thing.

    I agree with some other comments…natural remedies and herbs should be a big part of the learning for a person whom this will effect.