Reply To: Black Soldier Fly Larvae

  • Baglady-NC

    October 22, 2022 at 12:39 am

    I hope someone will try this out come next season. Interest in BSFL is gaining in this country. I’m curious as to how people “shut them down” in cold weather. We got really chilly temps way earlier than usual this year. My bin is still loaded with larva but they have mostly been in sort of a hibernating state. On a few warm days I noticed that they get lively and start heading up the ramps and my bucket starts filling up. We’re coming into a warm spell so I’m going to feed them real heavy and get as many as I can out so I can get them canned up. There’s a lot of black compost in there and I would like to get it out and use it in my garden come spring. Hopefully as more time goes on others with experience will chime in and and we will learn more about these little creatures that my chickens go crazy over.