Reply To: Black Soldier Fly Larvae

  • Baglady-NC

    October 17, 2022 at 2:44 am

    Hi Nanagoat yes I have thought about it but decided against it. I just don’t want larva all in my dehydrator. Also with the high volume of larva I would think it would take way too much time to do that. I would have to have more than one dehydrator for sure. Pressure canning them is just easy. It don’t take but a few minutes to rinse them off, load them in the jars, fill with rainwater to one inch and can. Also I read an article where a man had a special microwave built and he is microwaving them. I definitely don’t want to do that. I like the looks of the finished product after I can them. This was one of the half pints I did as a test run. They look and weigh the same after pressure canning them as they did before. I can honestly say………it took a couple weeks to talk myself into doing this and now I sure am glad I did.