Reply To: Quail decisions

  • KimC

    October 11, 2022 at 1:05 am

    <div>I also live in a suburban area with close neighbors, but am able to have the jumbo Coturnix quail. I got them around mid-March this year and have them under a fruit tree to fertilize the tree through my compost pile, so there is less maintenance related to keeping them. </div>

    I had a few loud males that had to go to freezer camp, but did some research and found a grower online who believes the noisiness is a genetic trait, so he won’t breed the big mouths (or the aggressive ones). I thought that was interesting. The males I have remaining are quiet. The females are not even as noisy as the wild birds in the area and they make many interesting sounds that are pleasant.

    I was also told that quail are considered “birds” (as in those that are kept in cages as pets such as finches or others), so they are not considered livestock in most areas. I suppose it depends on your local statutes though. I have found them to be fun, interesting and very good to raise for eggs. I have not tried to incubate any eggs yet because I don’t really have a good space to expand the quantity, but I really enjoy the eggs (and have been whisking and freezing the extras for this winter in case they’re needed). I call them one-bite wonders. They’re highly nutritions, delicious, and easy to prepare just like chicken eggs.

    I hope you won’t be discouraged from trying them. It really can work, even in the city. In fact, I think they’re a great alternative for those who are prohibited from raising chickens.