Reply To: Black Soldier Fly Larvae

  • Baglady-NC

    October 10, 2022 at 11:33 am

    Thanks Freckled Texas and you are very welcome. Sorry for the double post, I was trying to edit and it disappeared on me so I started over. The other thing I need to add is….. don’t fill the jar so full because the larvae absorbs a lot of the water. Also I figured during the canning process that it would make for a bad odor in my house but there was none at all. The whole idea of it kind of freaked me out a little bit at first, I mean the thought of larvae in my jars and pressure canner seemed “really out there”. I had a lot of 24 ounce Atlas mason jars from classico pasta sauce that I hadn’t ever used and four presto canners. So now I just dedicated my smallest presto and all these jars, a spare funnel and a spare strainer just for canning BSFL.