I agree with the multi-pronged idea. We had terrible problem with flies also early on. Most important things we think helped long term were having free ranging chickens and guineas, and buying and encouraging fly predators. Never ever kill any bees on the property of any kind whatsoever. We have many wasps of all kinds and they all eat fly larvae – prevention is really effective… We also have and encourage and protect our hornets – we have them very close by every year. And we love them! They eat already hatched adult flies, right straight off the cows!! Nature’s fly swatter if you will. Invite bats to your barn or wherever your cattle are by lighting it at dusk to draw in other insects and they will also help reduce the fly populations. Manage your manure somehow. Special fly season mineral blends or the abc mineral program for the cattle will help also. Provide deep shade for the cattle somehow, either with wooded areas or dark barns, as examples. Short term- fly brushes can help, electric bug zappers, sticky tapes, sprays or pour ons (we don’t use any chemicals at all but others do so just throwing that out there). Plus the other great ideas others have already mentioned. Best wishes! Flies suck!!