Bees & Flow Hive 2

  • Bees & Flow Hive 2

    Posted by ShelbyDuck on October 26, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    Anyone have experience with the Flow Hive 2? I have heard some good things on it and haven’t heard bad. Looking to maybe check it out but will be first experience with bees.

    Hippocrates_Garden replied 2 years ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Ruth

    October 27, 2022 at 6:35 pm

    I do not have experience with it yet, but do plan on getting 2 of them in the very near future. My husband is going to design a “bee house” so that I will be able to extract the honey without having to worry about the wasps that will want to come and steal the honey.

    If you want more information, watch Fredrick Dunn on YouTube, he has several videos of the flow hive in his apiary.

    • ShelbyDuck

      October 28, 2022 at 9:30 am

      Thanks for the tip on YT.

  • Private_Cluck

    October 28, 2022 at 2:01 am

    We have been beekeeping for 6 years. We do not have any flow hives, only Langstroth hive boxes (normally 10-12 colonies at any given time), so I cannot comment with direct knowledge about one. I do not know of any large commercial beekeepers that use flow hives. A negative is the initial cost of the hives. Much more expensive that conventional boxes. Another negative is trying to inspect the general health of the bees and for being queen-right. Additionally, treating the bees for hive beetles, mites, or wax moths on the flow hives is more difficult. I’ll also admit that I have heard that flow hive owners say some good things about them. Hope this perspective is helpful to you.

    • ShelbyDuck

      October 28, 2022 at 9:29 am

      Good info, I appreciate it. Thank you

  • Ruth

    November 1, 2022 at 11:52 pm

    Here is a video from the flow hive company.

  • JillHillFarm

    November 27, 2022 at 10:01 pm

    I’ve been watching those videos of Flow Hive and it’s intriguing. Very expensive though, so I need first hand info before purchasing.

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    November 27, 2022 at 11:16 pm

    There is a little magnifying glass at the top of the page, you can use it to search the site for “flow hive” and have access to all the previous conversations. (or other topics as well)

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