Reply To: Single-Steading

  • Helene65

    March 13, 2023 at 1:33 pm

    I have a pinched nerve at my C3&4 caused by a bone spur, so I relate. I never felt the TENS did much if at all. Chiro doesn’t touch it. Massage did zero. Of course pain meds don’t touch nerve pain so I’m just in pain (unless I go to Rxs and I’m not). I’ve lost most my finger and hand strength even on opposite side now (of course my affected side too) as the overcompensation has led to injury and/or I’ve developed more pinched nerves. My arm strength is moot as pain will result so I don’t go there but for absolute need like working as a salesclerk/stocker. I used to be quite strong compared to friends that had husbands.

    Sry to ramble, just was like HEY someone who gets it!