Reply To: Alternative cooking options

  • HeidiRainCountry

    February 16, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    I can see a lot of great replies but not enough time to read through them all so I apologize for that.
    We have a solar oven and have used it for a good number of years. The tricky part for us is, well, Rain Country means very little sun and even on a nice day in late fall through early spring, it can still not be strong enough to thoroughly cook a chicken but is fine for cooking steelhead or salmon. So it is all about planning and it really only gets used during the three months of summer. Our wood stove is our main cook in the 8-9 months we have to keep fires burning and in the summer it is often just easier to bake in the toaster oven connected to our solar power. We also have a Winnerwell stove top oven for baking breads, pies, and biscuits and a gas run Camp Chef oven, We have a Winnerwell camp stove we plan to buy the stove pipe oven for as well. I think we have a total of three camp stoves we picked up at garage sales, I know we paid only $1 for one and it works great. Though we do not do this much, there is also outdoor open fire cooking and then of course the BBQ.. I am sure I am forgetting something!