Reply To: Ways to become more free

  • gods-child

    February 2, 2023 at 12:28 am

    i am just begging this journey

    i have a small solar setup for medical equipment

    i have my own gas and electric meters installed [yes is is legal here in the UK [contrary to what others say] as i have thoroughly checked out the law

    super fun fact

    electricity can non be stolen

    p4 oxford dictionary of law 10th ed 2022 states

    Abstraction of electricity

    in Lowe v Blease [1975] crim LR 513 it was held that electricity could not be stolen as it is not property within the meaning of section 4 Theft act 1968

    i have a few local sources whereby i can get 12v car batteries anywhere from £10 ~ £40

    i have paraffin lamps and stove and can get used-engine-oil free and paraffin for around £8 a UK gallon

    being mentally and spiritually free is the biggest way to be free, free of fear and worry and stress anxiety and depression etc