Reply To: The cost of Self Taught Knowledge

  • HeidiRainCountry

    January 25, 2023 at 3:06 pm

    The brain needs to be exercised like any other part of the body. So many just want to be spoon fed information instead of doing the research, experimenting, critical thinking, and learning that goes with that on their own. Here is just one example of something I see all the time. Whenever I tell people “You can make vinegar from any fruit, herb, or vegetable, fresh or dried” (seems pretty clear to me) they will then ask “Can I make vinegar from garlic?” “Can I make vinegar from hibiscus?” “Can I make vinegar from (fill in the blank with any herb, fruit, or vegetable, fresh or dried that comes to mind)?”
    Or when I am showing a specific herb blend I make for this, that or the other thing and then give people a list of other options and tell them they can come up with their own combination they then ask “What if I am allergic to (fill in the blank)? What can I replace it with?” I get it, they have not yet learned how to problem solve thanks to the way they have been taught so my goal is to teach them how to get past this barrier