Reply To: The Unwilling to Participate Spouse

  • Maytag

    August 29, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    To echo some of the thoughts here, maybe see if he is perhaps interested in things more in the design space. For example, designing and building buildings or stuff for the garden. Do you have a rain capture system and if not would he enjoy designing and building one? Or learning about permaculture and coming up with ways to implement various techniques in labor-saving ways.

    If he will sit still at a PC all day, good chance he would sit still reading some books, so maybe see if you can get him to check out some books on the topics. Billy at PFP made a video about some suggestions, and as someone who has sat down and read about a dozen books (the majority from this list), I can second the recommendations.

    As an unmarried guy working in IT, sorry to say I can’t relate to your situation, but I can understand the appeal of sitting at the computer. Ultimately what dawned on me a couple years ago and got me off my butt is that at the end of the day, the computer will not produce food or help you get any exercise.