Reply To: Ways to become more free

  • Barred-Rock-or-Brahma

    August 29, 2022 at 3:22 pm

    When I did my napkin math, I broke down the monthly cost of replacing an entire $54k system every 10 and every 25 years ($450 and $180 p/mo). Only changing out the batteries and pannels is significantly less expensive.

    If you have 10 batteries that last an average of 17.5 years at $2,500 per, then they cost about $120 per month. Your 10.5kW worth of panels cost a bit under $3,000, and assuming they last an average of 27.5 years, will end up running you less than $10 per month.

    So even thought the initial investment looks like a lot of money, when broken down by month and compared to me depending on grid power that could be taken away or double in price at any time, you’re paying much less than I am.

    Thanks for the video. I’d still prefer to live where I can have a natural gas well on my property, but I guess solar might be an option if that doesn’t work out.