• Maytag

    December 15, 2022 at 1:14 am

    I honestly like the idea of both. Here’s what I mean:

    If I wanted to just do local business especially for items that make no sense to try to just put in a box or an envelope and ship (animals, hay bales, other big things, or anything that might potentially have legal/liability ramifications if actually “sold” through FS, etc.) it would be nice to have both a WANTED and a SELLING section. No transactions through this site, just classified-style (like craigslist) for people to get in touch. As this kind of thing might not make the site much/any money, it could be fairly simple (as to not use up a ton of time on development), and perhaps something embedded inside the State groups.

    If I wanted to buy or sell stuff that could more easily be shipped, then using the FS Marketplace as a storefront would be a good fit for that stuff.