Reply To: Side Hustles

  • Grumpy_G

    October 10, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    Here is a side hustle for some enterprising Freesteader that has an eye for fitness. I’ve joked about it for years; this weekend we were discussing it while at Tag and Bee’s homestead work day and I think it’s a winner. Here goes…if you don’t mind people on your property and live near an area where people have more money than sense, hold a week long homesteader/prepper boot camp. Have people come out and subject them to a week “Farm Fit” program designed to get them fit and show them what running a farm/bug out location is like. For 8 hours a day, they can do exercises like the “goats destroyed the fence circuit course”, “Bucking hay”, “the stubborn cow push” and Tag’s favorite of the moment “cutting, splitting” and stacking 13 1/2 cords of wood”. People that groove on the program can then pay you monthly to come out to your place 3 days a week to get an awesome workout.

    I know it sounds like a joke, I seriously think that in the right location and with the right marketing, it would work. Crimeny, people pay for “Goat Yoga” and fake “Navy Seal cross fit” programs, why wouldn’t they pay for this?