Reply To: Homesteader Perspective on Preserving & Building Wealth

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    October 8, 2022 at 12:19 am

    I guess the definition, fortunately, or unfortunately depends on the person. what it is they believe is worth leaving to their immediate heirs, or if not blood kin heirs their chosen heirs, be that the one true proven friend in life, or society at large.

    I think of a time I was working as an LPN in a residential hospice facility. We had a lady admitted one day. She had at least three generations of the family present as she arrived and was settled into a room.
    Eventually, and little by little they all left until it was only she in the bed. On one of my rounds, she asked me “what do I do now?” She was very clearheaded, articulate, and “present”.

    As a part of her admission, I had become aware of some of her life history. She was a college professor, I don’t recall the subject.

    What I offered was this. “Its my understanding that immediately after high school, you went to college, received a teaching degree, and began teaching in a public school. From there you continued your own education and advanced in your profession eventually becoming a tenured professor, correct? So it seems that your entire life has been that of a teacher.

    I also noted how many family members were present when you got here, and that there were at least 3 generations, if not more here. At this time, all of their focus is on you. When present, you are the absolute center of attention. One option as I see it is, to use this time, this opportunity to do what you have always done…. teach. Whatever it is, that you see as the most important lesson(s) to pass down to the next generations, while they are actually paying attention… teach. Not what I think is important, or your bosses, colleagues, pastor or anyone else. Whatever -you- think is the most important thing (s).. teach.