Reply To: Book Recommendations

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    October 22, 2022 at 4:14 am

    Wow. how much disk space does this site have?

    In no particular order

    Finding the Mother Tree – Gaining at least an insight into the importance of not clear-cutting, that trees actually talk to each other, alert each other and actually feed each other via the fungal partners. To the degree they appear to help other species of trees and can not only recognize others of the same species, but appear to be able to “recognize” their own progeny, and are able to divert more to those than others.

    The Black Swan – gaining an insight into the fact that many, if not most of the really revolutionary changes in society, could not have been truly predicted, and remembering, there are no “known” things in science, one data point can blow what is “known” out of the water. for instance, it was once “known” that all swans are white…. until someone found a black swan.

    Food: A cultural Culinary History

    Dirt (by David R. Montgomery”

    Gaining Ground (Forrest Pritchard)

    Locally Laid (Lucie B Amundsen)

    The Hidden Half of Nature (David R. Montgomery)

    Animal, Vegetable, Mineral ( Barbara Kingsolver)

    Farmacology (Daphne Miller MD)

    The Unsettling of America ( Wendell Berry)

    The Social History of Agriculture (Christopher Isett)

    Defending Beef ( Nicolette Hahn Niman)

    Weapons of Mass Instruction & Dumbing us Down (John Taylor Gatto)

    The Dirty Life ( Kristin Kimball)

    Water for any Farm (Mark Shepard)


    And that’s just a portion from my phone’s Audible library. I’ve got well over a hundred books on there