Reply To: Outdoor kitchen

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 7, 2023 at 6:02 pm

    Here is an example of the earth oven & instructions to build. I’m modifying mine to hold a lot of heat in the bottom with the sand/glass bottles filled with sand and mine is much larger. I also have a huge piece of a fire retardant insulation I found dumpster diving at a building site I was given permission to pilfer & take what I wanted. It will be my INSULATION LAYER on top of the insulation layer in this article…double insulation, in other words to hold heat MUCH better. I got a giant blow up beach ball at a thrift store to make my oven dome instead of having to use sand that you have to dig out later. It is a HUGE beach ball made of a very thick rubbery plastic so will hold the weight of the cob that will be put on it to make your dome. I’m also adding a firewood storage bin on both sides of my earth oven with a bunch of spare bricks I got…had a dumptruck load delivered here for free. Some broken, but most whole bricks. When I tell all of y’all I’m a scavenger for FREE STUFF…I’m not kidding. It’s all about who you know and how to convince people of your need of what they want to get rid of. That would be like me trying to sell air conditioners to Eskimo’s & I’m VERY CONVINCING!! LOL! Except I’m WANTING SOMETHING, usually CHEAP or FREE so I can talk the talk to get what I want/need.