Reply To: Unique, Unpopular or Interesting Natural Remedies?!

  • Concealed-Kari

    January 27, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    I can relate too.

    I had a respiratory infection in November and our wonderfully broken healthcare system said…”wait and if you are not better in another week call back”. There was an antibiotic shortage so that added to it. So, I paid my fee and then decided it was time to go to Gods medicine cabinet.

    Here is what cured me… a mix of dried comfrey/peppermint leaves steeped in a tea twice a day and two cloves of garlic a day.

    Funny thing is…I grew the comfrey and dried it for my chickens in case I needed an additional protein source for them. Who knew I would be the one in need of it.

    Got to give credit to PermaPastures farm who sold me the comfrey plants and gave me the idea to store it.

    My 2023 medicine cabinet will look a whole lot different this year.

    Thanks to God and good folks going back to basics and teaching us all.