Reply To: Unique, Unpopular or Interesting Natural Remedies?!

  • Dotdan

    January 26, 2023 at 8:08 pm

    For head congestion put a slice of onion on the bottom of your feet, put your socks on and go to bed. It’s amazing how good this works but few people will tryst. For sinuse headache try hot and cold compresses 10 minutes each. Repeat three or four times. It won’t cure a sinus infection but it does help with a sinus headache. This is controversial but gargle iodine for a sore throat. I had a friend back in the eighties that had chronic strep throat. She was on antibiotics once a month until the dr couldn’t give her any more. He told her to put three drops of iodine in just enough water to gargle then spit it out. Whenever she started having a scratchy throat she would use it and never had strep again. It was life changing for her.