Reply To: How much time do you spend in the kitchen?

  • Maytag

    October 21, 2022 at 6:35 pm

    <div>For me I usually spend less than an hour a day on weekdays. But on weekends it can be most of the day sometimes–baking bread, cooking a week’s worth of meals (soups, meats, casseroles, etc.), brewing kombucha, doing other experiments, sometimes multiple sinks full of dishes to wash, and so on.</div>

    My breakfasts are usually a lentil, veggie, and sausage soup. I cook it in InstantPot (I love this thing) and do 2 batches in a day, then freeze it in containers easy to take to work. Takes several hours of the day to get this done, but then I have 6-8 weeks worth of breakfast ready. On weekends when I’m home to cook, scrambled eggs are quick.

    Dinners are less routine, but I will still usually cook up a week’s worth on the weekend and then not need to cook again until the next weekend. So weekday time is just maybe making a salad or prepping a side dish, reheating what was cooked, and then cleaning up.

    I like working in the kitchen, but I still try to be efficient about it. Cooking for just myself is of course different than cooking for a whole family!