Reply To: How much time do you spend in the kitchen?

  • Sunstone

    October 20, 2022 at 10:39 pm

    Prep work is included. Doing it ahead of time wouldn’t really make much difference since it’s still the same amount of time, just possibly earlier in the day. But as it is I’m pretty busy homeschooling during the day so I can’t get much else done until evening.

    When you say carnivore, do you mean strict carnivore, as in nothing but animal products? We eat meat for dinner roughly 2 days out of every 3. There’s not much difference in time though because I try to have veggies on the side regardless. So steaks are quick and easy, but then I have to make a salad or roast some veggies or something to go with it. Or I might make a single dish with veggies in it, but that’s still a lot of prep time. Occasionally I’ll do some pre-made sauerkraut or the previous night’s leftover salad as the side but I like to vary the veggies since every plant contains a different combination of nutrients.

    I know there are faster options – I can heat up canned chili or make pasta and throw some canned veggies in it. But my first goal is our health – I want us to be eating fresh, unprocessed ingredients as often as possible.

    Washing the dishes would definitely be easier if people helped, but that’s not likely any time soon. I’d like to recruit my oldest (6) to help but he’s often still finishing up his school work right up until bedtime, so I don’t want to interfere with that by adding extra chores at the moment.