Reply To: Energy Costs

  • Ampersand

    February 4, 2023 at 5:37 pm

    A couple years ago we added a humidifier to the furnace. As a cold fragile person, I was having the temp set to 72, 73 and now it’s 70 comfortably. Heavy blackout curtains are drawn over the lr Windows at night which also keep in the warmth. Will dry the wash outside in the summer.

    We live on well now (never want to go back to city) so water is free and private trash/recycle pickup is so cheap. Still conserve by selecting appropriate size laundry on washer. Will use dehumidifier water in summer to water plants. Going to build a veggie wash station this spring pending finding a decent priced used sink and use the gray water to supplement the garden. Lots of ways to recycle water.

    Would help to double on car trips. If it’s not urgent, wait until you need to go to a couple stores and get it done in one trip, thinking about the most efficient way.