Reply To: Looking for biodegradable (or better) shampoo, bar or liquid.

  • Sunstone

    October 20, 2022 at 7:11 am

    Most simple is baking soda solution for shampoo, ACV solution for conditioner. You can also add essential oils for fragrance. Very small amount of tea tree oil added to the “shampoo” is especially good as I think it helps clean or exfoliate or something.

    But to be honest, the effort of mixing it is too time-consuming for me lately, so I’ve just been using goat milk bar soap from a small local business. If you can find a small batch soap maker, just check the ingredients and make sure you can identify every ingredient, and avoid any fragrances that don’t come from essential oils as anything labeled “fragrance” or “parfum” is likely toxic. If it’s a good locally made bar soap, there’s unlikely to be anything in there (other than the fragrance) that’s not safe to have in your greywater, even if you’re pouring it on your garden.