Reply To: Homestead Library

  • Jen-in-Ok

    October 18, 2022 at 4:08 am

    oohhhh…. I’ve always managed to take my books through both those…thank goodness for a truck!

    at this point in my life, only a true disaster would make me pick, and then, I don’t think books is what I’d be digging out and packing…

    ‘seed to seed’ is a great resource for planting almost everything, and I fail to rember details and need to look…

    anything Ruth Stout, and Elizabeth Zimmerman makes me happy to read…

    i got too many medical and veterinary books to carry…

    likewise, too many homeschooling books to even think of carrying….

    my hand scribbled notes and plans would definitely go – sometimes they are gatherd up together enough to be ‘book-ish’….

    I would think any book that you reach for now and then, and one that always puts a smile on your face would definitely make the cut to be brought. and i guess i would work my way out from there with: is it useful info? fun/happy read? do I already know this info, and don’t reference it anymore? do I hate this book?

    I don’t know…. that would be hard to narrow them down. 😢