Reply To: Women Homesteaders

  • Lorelee

    October 11, 2022 at 10:56 am

    Wow, I just found this thread and I’m so encouraged by reading it! My husband and I have a 3.5 acre homestead in eastern France, but my hubby travels 2 weeks/month for work. That definitely leaves me as the main worker bee at our place. He is willing to help me with things that are too heavy/difficult when he’s here, but as I said, that’s not very often.

    I just want to encourage all of you, whether you’re doing this on your own by choice, by circumstances, or for any other reason. Just keep doing what you can, each day, and know that you aren’t alone. Although most of us probably will never meet in real life, we can continue to encourage each other here and share our stories. Hugs!