Reply To: Women Homesteaders

  • BiggKidd

    October 11, 2022 at 3:17 am

    Lets see a bit of the short version. On 4/14/2005 about 7 am I thought someone had broken in my house and hit me in the back of the head with a baseball bat as I stepped through the living room doorway. I had a huge pain in the back of my head and hit the floor. Suddenly I couldn’t get up, walk, talk or write. In October the Dr.s figured out I had M.S. and had had it since I was about 15 from the number of scars and age of the scaring on my brain. Although at the time I had already started looking for a place out in the woods since I had seen the writing on the wall. Around the same time my wife told me she was pregnant with another child. (We had been together and married less than a year at this point even though our first child was born in 2000 it’s complicated) So I spent the next two years learning to walk talk etc.. In mid 07 we found this place and she, I and our oldest couldn’t wait to move. So I put a large down payment after refinancing my house. Then 08 – 09 happened and the house never sold and I couldn’t keep making both payments by the time 2010 rolled around and I lost the house along with about 170k in equity. That was to be the money to build a house here. We were living in a camper here on the land at the time. I was still walking with crutches or two canes to get around in 2010 and had been working the land that way since 08. My oldest daughter then about 8 through 12 would carry the saw around for me to cut wood while I braced myself upright. This place was all timber when I bought it.

    In 2011 I was doing well enough and the wife decided she really didn’t like being a mother or a wife and left. So from then on it was just the girls and I. I HIGHLY doubted anyone would want to date a half cripple with two kids plus I had lost trust in people by then so I stayed single. I just continued to plug along and still do to this day.