Reply To: It is Fall, the second-busiest time of year on the homestead!

  • Bluesky63

    October 9, 2022 at 1:10 am

    We had a heavy frost last night. Glad I had the sweet potatoes in the shed already. It was the best crop of sweet potatoes that I have ever raised (over 200 pounds). Yesterday, I picked all the red tomatoes, bell and banana peppers which also did quite well this year. The summer has been dry, not as bad as Kansas, but I can pump water out of my pond when I need it. I had to chuckle when I was picking the tomatoes because the soil was muddy from watering two days ago.

    Also had great crops of Concord grapes (now making 5 gallons of wine), blackberries and more blueberries than we could eat.

    Our major problems this year was keeping the cucumbers and squash alive. I could pump plenty of water for them, but the sun was so hot (uv was very high) that the leaves would wilt in the afternoons.

    Mid-Missouri Zone 6A