Reply To: Introduce yourself 👋👋

  • Southern-Girl-Shea

    October 8, 2022 at 6:15 am

    Hello! I’m Shea (pronounced “Shay” like Shea butter in lotion or Shea Stadium that used to be in NY). I took control of my child’s education when the second half of the school year was cancelled here in Mississippi in 2020. Looking back, it was the best decision I could have made.

    I am a nurse and recently quit my job, because I was fed up with the crappy healthcare and total lack of regard I witnessed on a daily basis. I am now at home, going back to college for a higher degree after 15 years of practice, and homeschooling my teen with a toddler underfoot. While my teen and I both have ADHD diagnoses, we are still making it and happier than we’ve ever been. However, because of my ADHD, I have not taken “full” control of my son’s education and rely heavily on a Christian homeschool curriculum. Though this curriculum is a good one, I think I can do better. I am very interested in and appreciative of any suggestions, curriculum, information, etc. that may come from a collaboration of like-minded individuals.