Why Homeschooling is a great choice!

  • KramitDreams

    September 6, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    I can’t even listen to that without laughing, like is this for real?! 😆 yeah..you are definitely “mixed” up😒🤦‍♀️

  • Unknown Member

    September 8, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    It is different for sure. Yet when you understand the view from 30,000 foot, you see these people are being used for a purpose. Remember, we battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in dark places. Then on a 20,000 foot view, you understand the historical use of psychology and sociology and how to social engineer to use the ego for the battle between the two forces within this realm, you see the play and you do not become emotional about it. Then at a 10,000 foot view you see the people in power also as the puppets, controlling the other puppets through the ego’s desires. Further down to say, 5,000 foot view, you see the increased local power of the ego’s in the positions, who are allowed to become more tyrannical in order to create the internal pressure of the soul and ego of the individual persons. These pressures designed to have the animal mind emote to action, but not actions of the soul and heart, but of ego and fear. Once this occurs, you will have already seen the pendulkum swing from right then far to the left and as it swings back far to the right, this pressure will push the two sides to clash, just as designed. Rising above the two, above the ego is the way, and it is through your heart you gain wisdom, from having eyes to see and ears to hear. Homesteading is simply the way to prolong a way of life for as long as allowed. If people only lived in their hearts they would see and know all is but an illusion and the things of this world are but tools for your soul. Eating well simply provides great nutrition and energy for your body. I am so glad you can laugh at these changes designed to provide cognitive dissedenve to the clash of the old and new. You are a wise soul and I am delighted to share this journey with you!!!!!

  • emmaparkers

    February 22, 2024 at 10:02 am

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