Children's Innocence and Purity

  • Children's Innocence and Purity

    Posted by soma_farms on August 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm

    My pre-k daughter went to a meet and greet at an un-co-op that we are planning to attend in addition to the local church co-op. There was a boy there about her age that for whatever health issue he had was in a wheelchair. I saw my daughter look at him (I know it was because she’s never seen this before even though we have children’s books that have some kids that are different). I thought she might want to ask questions but waited for her. Instead, later, she saw him struggling to get a cup of water and so she went over to help him (unprompted). The next thing I knew the two of them are laughing and having a great time. She pushed him in the front lawn to play and they just giggled and played the rest of our time there. It was very heart warming to see because she didn’t see a boy in a wheelchair, she just saw a friend! Why is it that adults/parents have to push their discrimination of differences onto their children who are so pure and innocen? They don’t see differences they see when someone needs help and they see friends.

    UnicornChickenRanch replied 1 year, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • AiNt-RiTe-Acres

    August 25, 2023 at 8:04 pm


  • UnicornChickenRanch

    August 29, 2023 at 4:24 am

    She did see a kid in a wheelchair. She was able to find things that they both have in common instead of focusing on differences.

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