Reply To: Any suggestions on what to do on a lonely evening?

  • Unknown Member

    March 5, 2024 at 4:42 am

    I read (especially love cozy mysteries, and they say trying to solve them improves mood and mental function), I have a pen pal (of almost 19 years) who lives halfway across the country to the east, and an elderly aunt who lives halfway across the country to the west, that I write to (actual letters), I have two siblings who don’t live close that I email, and I have two friends that share a homesteading mindset that I see every month or two, and keep in touch with more often via phone or email. I also learn about things that interest me, either via vlog/blog or by reading books. I go for walks. I used to have a dog, but told myself she would be my last, so now I’m dogless. Although I don’t really enjoy time in the kitchen, I do try to do more cooking, and there’s always canning/dehydrating/fermenting to do, as well as preparing natural remedies. By nature I am both a home body and a loner, so it generally isn’t an issue for me, but those are the things that keep my mind occupied.