Reply To: What Is Freedom? 28 Principles of Freedom series

  • Toni

    August 30, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    <div>In the end, I’ll share the rule we have in our household. For every
    black pill we serve up, we have to serve a white pill along with it.

    Excellent rule! And exactly what I was attempting to share. Without a clear understanding of a problem or even awareness that a problem exists, it is right next to impossible to identify any viable solution. Anything else would be much like playing a child’s game of pin the tail on the donkey.

    So, for example, in terms of freedom, most are unaware that people born on the land and soil of America are sovereign, which is to say – free to live life on our own terms according to our own conscience as long as we do not infringe upon the rights of others. Live and let live, so to speak. Attempting to address the current assaults on those freedoms without a clear understanding of the source of those freedoms and the international context within which they operate would be a fools game. Solution: educate ourselves as to the rules of the game so that when we engage and play the game, we have some hope of winning.

    Tag’s emphasis on ‘words matter’ is right over the target in beginning to be able to win in the larger game of freedom we are all now becoming aware of. Bobby’s joke about the ‘word oozy’ whether he realizes it or not accurately describes the strategy of those who would have us play the role of slaves. Words do matter, absolutely. ‘They’ know that, and so should we.

    Jurisdiction matters too. If we want to have any chance of maintaining our own freedom, we would be very wise to understand that also. The only jurisdiction that pertains to living men and women is the Land jurisdiction. We would be wise to educate ourselves on it.

    Looking forward to the rest of the series. 🙂 Thanks!!
