Reply To: What Is Freedom? 28 Principles of Freedom series

  • Toni

    August 30, 2022 at 3:04 am

    <div>Only halfway through so far, but just wonder if any of you are aware of the details about the origins of sovereignty for Americans via the direct actions of William the Conqueror?</div><div>


    Anyone aware of the differences in distinction between the three internationally existing jurisdictions -Air, Land, and Sea? Hint: our journey to freedom may be best undertaken in the proper jurisdiction – that of the Land. The corporation currently attempting to provide governmental services operates in the jurisdiction of the Sea, which has nothing at all to do with us. Their constitution is not our original constitution, which was and remains a contract between internationally recognized sovereigns.

    Anyone aware that our sovereign government has not been fully functional since the Civil War (which was neither civil nor a properly declared war)?

    Or that Abraham Lincoln had no lawful right to become president of our sovereign government?

    Or, or, or…

    So much of our actual history has been intentionally hidden the American men and women.

    Back to finish the video now…
